Column and Tower Decontamination

Column & Tower Decontamination: Entry Safe can treat any size column or tower using Steam Vapour Application Process. Due to the size of many towers, circulation or fill methods are not possible. The Steam Vapour Application Process is unique as the proprietary chemistry is injected into the steam line which travels throughout the designated equipment system.

Entry Safe decontaminates columns and towers by effectively penetrating all sludge, scale, and metals to target harmful contaminants. Saving time and expense, it simultaneously frees contaminants to the relief system while oxidizing remaining hydrogen sulfide and pyrophoric iron sulfide. This results in the fastest possible entry into columns and towers.. The equipment will be de-oiled and contain zero hydrogen sulfide (H2S), zero benzene, zero explosive gases (LEL), and neutralized pyrophorics after 8-12 hours.

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